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CLARIN ERIC & ELRA Collaboration Agreement

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The European Language Resource Association (ELRA) has entered a Collaboration Agreement with CLARIN ERIC (signed in Pisa on October 8th, 2018).

The Agreement covers several spheres of collaboration:
•    Sharing Metadata and Data
•    Business Development
•    Education and Training
•    Lobbying Activities
•    Team up in project proposals

The two organizations share overlapping and complementary activities for what concerns Language Resources, their usage and their users, but also the domains, Language and Speech Technologies for both, Social Sciences and the Humanities for CLARIN ERIC.
Reaching out the different communities of LR users in the academia and in the industry and building connections are among the major benefits expected from this collaboration.

L-R: Henk van den Heuvel, ELRA President | Franciska de Jong, CLARIN ERIC Executive director | Khalid Choukri, ELDA CEO, ELRA Secretary General

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