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INFILE (INformation, Filtering, Evaluation) is a cross-language filtering evaluation campaign jointly organised by CEA, University of Lille 3 (GERiiCO) and ELDA, with the support of CLEF (Cross Language Evaluation Forum). Following the first edition already organised as a pilot track of CLEF 2008, the 2009 edition proposes two evaluation tasks :

  • an interactive filtering task, as in the previous campaign,
  • a batch filtering task, which is a new task.


The three languages dealt with by INFILE are Arabic, English and French. Systems participating to the campaign may be evaluated on the two tasks or only one task and according to the cross-lingual or monolingual environment.


  • 26 June - 1 July 2008: Dry run
  • 7 July - 21 July 2008: Evaluation Campaign
  • 28 July 2008: Résultats fournis aux participants
  • 15 August 2008: Paper submission to CLEF "Working Notes" de CLEF
  • 17 September - 19 September 2008: Final INFILE Workshop as part of CLEF Workshop


Contact: Khalid Choukri