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European Language Resource Coordination

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The European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) was launched to collect language resources for building machine translation systems for public service administrations across all EU Member States and Iceland and Norway which will better meet the everyday needs of public services across Europe. ELRC is an unprecedented public-sector data collection effort aiming to provide CEF.AT with language and translation data (mono- and bi-lingual data) relevant to the daily needs of European national administrations. It aims not only to close the gap between the capabilities of the current MT systems offered by the EC to the national administrations and the actual, day-to-day requirements of national public services across Europe, but also to support Europe’s national languages at the grass-roots level.

The SMART 2014/1074 Language Resource Coordination, funded by the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) programme, was launched during the Riga Summit, held late April 2015 in Latvia. The objectives of this 2-year project are to:

  • improve availability and simplify access to language resources (LRs) relevant for MT,
    • establish an observatory for language resources across EU Member States and CEF associated countries,
    • raise awareness among stakeholders about the value and use of data for automated translation
  • clarify legal and commercial issues related to the data.


Targeted data are those produced by the public sector in the EU, which can be made available for re-use through the EU Open Data portal, with suitable copyright protection.

Eight tasks have been specified for this programme and ELDA will lead three of them including the setup the technical Helpdesk (T2), the organization of 30+ training workshops (T6) and the Language Resources collection (T7).

Project Facts

  • Start date: 17-04-2015
  • End date: 16-04-2017
  • Funded by: CEF - SMART 2014/1074

Project Partners