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LREC Invited Speakers over the years

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This page provides the list of all the keynote and invited speakers who have given a speech at the LREC conferences. When available, the link to display or download the speech is provided.

LREC 2022

 LREC 2018

LREC 2016


LREC 2014


LREC 2012


LREC 2010


LREC 2008


LREC 2006


LREC 2004


LREC 2002


LREC 2000


LREC 1998

For this edition, the papers are not available in pdf version.

  • Nicoletta Calzolari: An Overview on Written Language Resources in Europe: a few Reflections, Facts, and a Vision (Spoken & Written Language Resources in Europe)
  • Harald Höge: Spoken Language Resources for Voice Driven Man Machine Interfaces, (Spoken & Written Language Resources in Europe)
  • Margaret King & Bente Maegaard: Issues in Natural Language Systems Evaluation
  • Donna Harman: The Text REtrieval Conferences (TRECs) and the Cross-Language Track
  • Gregory Grefenstette: Problems and Techniques for Cross Language Information Retrieval
  • Christian Dugast & Lori Lamel: Issues in Man-Machine Spoken Dialogues