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Prize Statutes

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Article I. Establishment: The ELRA Language Resources Association has established the Antonio Zampolli Prize for: "OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION WITHIN HUMAN LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGIES" The ELRA Board has decided to create such a prize in order to honour the memory of its first president, Antonio Zampolli, who died on 22nd August 2003. The prize will be awarded every two years, with the first award being made in May 2004 at the LREC 2004 conference.

Article II. Purpose of the Prize: The ELRA Antonio Zampolli Prize is intended to recognize the outstanding contributions to the advancement of Human Language Technologies through all issues related to Language Resources and Evaluation. In awarding the prize we are seeking to reward and encourage innovation and inventiveness in the development and use of language resources and evaluation of HLTs. The prize covers the field of Language Resources and Language Technology Evaluation in the areas of spoken language, written language and terminology.

Article III. Award: When first awarded the Prize will be 10,000€. This amount will be revised when need arises by the ELRA Board. The recipient(s) will also receive a certificate, recognition in the ELRA newsletter and will be featured on ELRA’s website.

Article IV. Award Ceremony at LREC: The ceremony will take place at the opening session of the LREC conference. The ELRA president will present the prize to the recipient. Each recipient(s) will be asked to present a public lecture during the LREC conference in the year in which the prize is given. The lecture should be on a topic relevant to the work for which the prize has been awarded.

Article V. Eligibility: The prize may be awarded to an individual or a small group contributing to the same innovative work. The prize will be awarded in recognition of a specific project/programme or body of work established over a period of years. The recipients must be living at the time of award and must be currently engaged in HLT related activities. To be eligible for the prize it is necessary that the work for which the prize is being given has been published.

Article VI. Nominations and Nomination periods: To be considered eligible for the prize, candidates must be nominated in writing by at least three individuals from three different institutions located in at least two different countries. No nominator may come from the nominee’s institution. The prize adjudication shall consider nominations submitted during the preceding eighteen months before each LREC with deadlines to be announced with the Call for Papers issued before each LREC (except for LREC2004).

Article VII. Selection process: The recipient will be selected by the ELRA Board using ELRA Board decision-making rules as defined by ELRA’s byelaws and statutes.

Article VIII. Special clauses:

  • Article VIII .a No obligation to award the Prize:

ELRA shall be under no obligation to award the Prize.

  • Article VIII .b Declining the Prize:

Should a selected winner decline the prize, the Board of ELRA may select another winner if time permits or decide not to award the prize that year.

  • Article VIII .c No appeal:

No appeals may be made against the decision of the ELRA Board to make the award to a given winner. Proposals received for the award, and investigations and opinions concerning the award of a prize, will be kept confidential.

  • Article VIII .d Death of the recipient:

Work produced by a person since deceased shall not be considered for an award. If, however, a prize winner dies after being selected but before he has received the prize, then the prize will be presented posthumously.

Article IX. ELRA Antonio Zampolli Prize statutes revisions & updates: These statutes may be revised by the ELRA Board.

Article X. Short biography of Antonio Zampolli: Antonio Zampolli was full Professor of Computational Linguistics at the University of Pisa, and founder (1968) and Director of the Linguistic Division of CNUCE, transformed in 1978 into the Institute of Computational Linguistics of the National Research Council, Pisa. His main research interests were computational lexicology and lexicography, literary and linguistic text analysis, reusability of lexical resources, text processing, quantitative linguistics, formal grammars and parsers, multimodality, multilinguality, standards for literary and linguistic data processing, machine translation, computer-assisted language teaching, modalities and strategies for international co-operation. He has been, among others, president of ALLC, EURALEX, GILA; vice-president of ACH, ICCL, AILA, CETIL; founder of ELRA, president of the ELRA Board and chair of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC); director of the Pisa International Summer School for Literary and Linguistic Computing; member of the Steering Committee of TEI; member of the Linguistic Data Consortium Advisory Board; founder and member of the ELSNET Management Board; member of several committees of experts for the EC; representative for Literary and Linguistic Computing in the Permanent Steering Committee of the European Science Foundation and in the Executive Committee of ACL; co-ordinator of several European projects, mainly for the production and standardisation of language resources and for international co-operation; co-ordinator of two Italian national projects: "National infrastructure for the linguistic resources in the field of automatic processing of written and oral natural language" and "Computational Linguistics: mono and multilingual researches"; responsible for the software development of the national project for the Italian library of digital resources for the humanities (CIBIT); member of the Editorial Board of several scientific journals such as "Computer and the Humanities", "Histoire et Mesure", "Journal of Applied Linguistics", etc.; director of the Italian journal "Linguistica Computazionale"; organizer and chairman of several international Conferences.