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Order Procedure

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ELRA membership is open to any organization, public or private. Members, as well as non-members, of ELRA are allowed to purchase resources through ELRA, unless providers impose some restrictions. Members are entitled to get a discount on public price.

How to purchase LR?

a) To place your order, please return by fax the order form available on-line ( pdf | docx ) duly completed and signed at the following fax number : +33 1 43 13 33 30

b) On receipt of your fax, we will email you the corresponding licence agreement.

c) Two original copies of the agreement must be initialled and signed. To speed up the delivery, 1 copy may be faxed to +33 1 43 13 33 30, but the 2 original signed copies must be sent to ELDA by regular mail.

d) Databases and invoice will be sent to you on receipt of the signed agreements (fax version or original). The invoice includes all necessary bank information. Wire transfer or cheque is accepted.

We invite you to contact [javascript protected email address] at ELDA if you wish to purchase our resources.

How to promote and distribute your resources?

If you would like to enquire about having your resources distributed by ELDA, please do not hesitate to contact [javascript protected email address].